HEMPAVIDA Hosting Backstage Artist Chill Lounge at Dusk Music Festival

Today HEMPAVIDA announced they will be hosting the exclusive VIP backstage artist lounge at the Dusk Music Festival in Tucson, AZ, November 13-14. Festival musicians will receive the HEMPAVIDA CBD Experience complete with mini Hemp CBD facials and mini Hemp CBD massages along with HEMPAVIDA’s signature wellness treats including CHILL, DREAM, FOCUS, and RESTORE as they relax before and after they perform.
“We are excited to host Dusk musicians giving them the HEMPAVIDA Experience and providing a place to chill out,” said Kelly Yocum, CEO of HEMPAVIDA “Everything we do is pure Hemp CBD so there’s no ‘psychedelic’ high effect, just the incredible benefits cannabis plant.”
The Dusk Music Festival boasts impressive artists such as Diplo, Jimmy Eat World, Porter Robinson, GroupLove, Duke Dumont, SG Lewis, Blu Detiger, John Summit, Justin Martin, Mob Rich, Pauline Herr, STRFKR, Tank and the Bangas, VNSSA, Yolanda Be Cool. Dusk Festival Tickets are available at https://duskmusicfestival.com/dusk-tickets/. Anyone can enter to win a free VIP 2-day festival pass from HEMPAVIDA by going online to https://hempavida.com/pages/giveaway
HEMPAVIDA is collaborating with music festivals, wineries, hot springs, ski resorts, AirBNB/VRBO luxury properties, and VIP concierges to provide a pop-up “HEMPAVIDA Experience” for special occasions and events.
“The concept was created during covid-era restrictions limited to small outdoor gatherings.” Said Kelly, “We found this was very popular to create a unique intimate small group experience, bringing the HEMPAVIDA skincare and wellness products with relaxation pampering services to wherever our VIP’s are gathering.”
Consumers nationwide are seeking hemp-based products; however, many CBD supply companies are substituting high-quality ingredients with cheap unhealthy fillers. HEMPAVIDA has 3rd party tested, non-GMO, high quality premium hemp extracted using organic farming practices from hemp plants grown on nationally certified farms, and never tests on animals.
“It’s not just the mg dosage that makes a hemp CBD-related product effective,” said Kelly Yocum, CEO HEMPAVIDA “blending the right highly-quality active ingredients to target specific symptoms is a safe way to dip your toe into the CBD world and ensure you are using it properly to treat your ailments.”
HEMPAVIDA is a pure approach to life with clean ingredients from nature. Our products utilize the hemp cannabis plant’s natural medicinal properties, infused with other elements from nature to provide powerful effective benefits from the inside-out. HEMPAVIDA’s Hemp CBD Skincare and Wellness Products are available online @ hempavida.com and Amazon. The HEMPAVIDA Experience is currently only catering to private VIP events and partnerships with unique venues. To inquire about becoming a partner venue or a VIP event please contact kelly@ hempavida.com
Pure highest-quality hemp CBD plus collagen and rich antioxidants provide powerful anti-aging protection by regenerating skin cells for smooth wrinkle-free skin, improving skin elasticity and moisture retention resulting in youthful, supple, firm, toned skin.
- Plumps up sagging skin, smooths wrinkles & fine lines
- Antioxidants fight free radicals
- Firms, tightens, improves elasticity, & cellular regeneration
- Hydrates with protective barrier to prevent moisture loss
- Soothing anti-inflammatory alleviates dry itchy skin
- Heals blemishes & break-outs, tones with natural astringent
- Boosts protein production, replenishes vitamins & minerals
- Brightens complexion & restores sun damaged skin
- No parabens, no sulfates, no fragrance, no alcohol
- Pure CBD (no “high” effect)
Wellness by HEMPAVIDA Hemp CBD interacts with pathways in the body to deliver health benefits, but doesn’t bind with receptors in the brain and nervous system, which is why it doesn’t cause a psychoactive effect (getting high); unlike marijuana with THC that does in fact cause a “high-effect”. There has been increasing demand for pure hemp CBD (without high-effects), for moms who complain of “mommy brain fog”, working professions who get random drug tested, college students who don’t want to buy something questionable from the campus “dealer”, baby boomers who are facing skyrocketing pharma costs, and suburban mainstream who want to try a safe alternative remedy.
DREAM by HEMPAVIDA is a powerful “Ambien-alternative” natural sleep aid made from a proprietary blend that helps with sleeplessness, insomnia, and correct irregular sleep patterns. DREAM plays a big part in the sleep-wake cycle related to the circadian processes, working naturally to help insomniacs fall into a deep sleep and wake up well rested.
CHILL by HEMPAVIDA is an effective stress-reliever designed to naturally alleviate anxiety, stabilize mood swings, relax social situations, and promote happiness. CHILL is a natural way to relieve tension and give a sense of well-being so users can be more relaxed, positive, an overall better mood without drowsiness or fatigue side-effects.
FOCUS by HEMPAVIDA is a brain booster to help improve cognitive function, memory, focus, clarity, and attention. People are constantly bombarded by information overload finding it hard to stay on track. FOCUS is a natural blend to maintain a healthy brain, be more productive, stay focused and improve memory.
RESTORE by HEMPAVIDA is a blend of potent natural ingredients designed to improve cartilage health by reducing pain, increasing joint mobility, alleviating inflammation, and is used to ease arthritis symptoms.
Advisory Board for HEMPAVIDA is in the process of growing its advisory board and executive team as it transitions into its next stage of growth. Request an invitation to one of our investor meetings in Denver, Chicago, San Diego, Park City, Portland, New York, Miami, or San Francisco by contacting kelly@hempavida.com
Social Media Influencers With HEMPAVIDA
Interested in being a HEMPAVIDA social media influencer? We are looking for active engaging social media influencers for paid opportunities to help us get the word out. We are also giving away FREE night stays at our VIP AirBNB beach and ski properties to influencers with over 50k+ followers to blog/photo/video. Anyone can enter to win a free VIP Experience 2-day festival pass from HEMPAVIDA by going online to https://hempavida.com/pages/giveaway and Be sure to follow @HEMPAVIDA on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
For more information contact: kelly@hempavida.com
[Legal Disclaimer: *These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, care, or prevent disease.]